My dear Readers,
Throughout history, recorded in the Scriptures, anytime there was an affliction of any kind - be it famine, plagues, or war - the instruction remained the same: Fast and Pray!
Nevertheless the children of God were commanded that they should gather themselves together oft, and join in fasting and mighty prayer in behalf of the welfare of the souls of those who knew not God. (Alma 6: 6)
So today, I implore you to do just that! The list of afflictions plaguing our world this week alone is daunting! We have wildfires in many regions, tremendous hurricanes and now threatened tsunamis, war torn countries, add a solar flare to boot. Pray for our world that is in major crisis. Accompany that prayer with fasting!
Fasting doesn't always mean from food and drink, but it also includes abstaining from certain personal pleasures for a time. While Jesus Christ our Savior did indeed offer His life up willingly for our Eternal Salvation, we are asked to prove our love for Him by our daily actions. We have been given the tools for a joyful, blessed life. People seem to think sometimes that simply accepting Jesus Christ and His Atoning Sacrifice is enough for Salvation. At the Last Supper it was made very clear that He is our Eternal Covenant. Covenant implies a two-way solemn contract.
Fasting from our daily routine often helps us fill those now empty time slots with a more Christ-centered activity. We deepen our spiritual understanding through Prayerful Scripture Study. We can hear the inspiration of the Holy Ghost regarding acts of service for children of God around us. We find peace in Him as we lay our burdens at His pierced feet. We find our hearts lightened when we come to Him repentant and ready to turn our hearts and minds to Him. God answers the supplications of His people. He always has! Provided they approach him with humility, repentance and simultaneous boldness!
As you fast from certain activities, consider working towards the following: