Saturday, September 9, 2017

Fasting and Prayer...

My dear Readers, 

Throughout history, recorded in the Scriptures, anytime there was an affliction of any kind - be it famine, plagues, or war - the instruction remained the same:  Fast and Pray!  

Nevertheless the children of God were commanded that they should gather themselves together oft, and join in fasting and mighty prayer in behalf of the welfare of the souls of those who knew not God. (Alma 6: 6)

So today, I implore you to do just that!  The list of afflictions plaguing our world this week alone is daunting!  We have wildfires in many regions, tremendous hurricanes and now threatened tsunamis, war torn countries, add a solar flare to boot.  Pray for our world that is in major crisis.  Accompany that prayer with fasting!  

Fasting doesn't always mean from food and drink, but it also includes abstaining from certain personal pleasures for a time.  While Jesus Christ our Savior did indeed offer His life up willingly for our Eternal Salvation, we are asked to prove our love for Him by our daily actions.  We have been given the tools for a joyful, blessed life.  People seem to think sometimes that simply accepting Jesus Christ and His Atoning Sacrifice is enough for Salvation.  At the Last Supper it was made very clear that He is our Eternal Covenant.  Covenant implies a two-way solemn contract.  

Fasting from our daily routine often helps us fill those now empty time slots with a more Christ-centered activity.  We deepen our spiritual understanding through Prayerful Scripture Study.  We can hear the inspiration of the Holy Ghost regarding acts of service for children of God around us.  We find peace in Him as we lay our burdens at His pierced feet.  We find our hearts lightened when we come to Him repentant and ready to turn our hearts and minds to Him.  God answers the supplications of His people.  He always has!  Provided they approach him with humility, repentance and simultaneous boldness!  

As you fast from certain activities, consider working towards the following:

Organize yourselves; aprepare every needful thing, and establish a house, even a bhouse of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a dhouse of God; (D&C 109: 8)

As we fast and pray, know that we are remembering all who are or will be directly impacted by our current crisis' at this time...

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Have Joy Trusting His Timing!

My Angel Baby - Joy-Anna Hope
The month of May is traditionally spent honoring Mothers.  Many mothers are overlooked in the church pews on Mother's Day due to a lack of a vibrant happy baby in their arms.  This post is dedicated to my fellow Angel Mamas and Mothers-to-Be who are struggling with Infertility and Secondary Infertility.

My entire youth and young teen life, I was told I would never have children.  It was physically impossible.  I had been raped repeatedly as a toddler.  Again as a young teen.  The damages that had been caused to my developing reproductive system were extensive.  Then by nothing short of a miracle, I surprisingly conceived.  At 37 weeks due to a tragic accident, my baby girl returned to heaven.  I was a MOTHER!  However, my baby is an ANGEL.  The accident caused even more damages, ripping uterine muscles causing extensive scar tissue buildup.  Once again I was told, no way I would never have any children.  If I would ever be lucky enough to conceive I would never be able to carry to term.  At least so the doctors said.  During the years between my angel and the birth of my first living child, I dreaded Mother's Day.  Although "I" knew I was a mother, no one else did!  Everyone was being recognized and I sat in a pew crying silent tears.  Since then, I have struggled with repeated miscarriages and Secondary Infertility.

 Each year, I have mixed emotions on Mother's Day.  My heart rejoices seeing the blessings in my life: my living children.  Yet somehow my heart grieves for my children who are celebrating from the realms of glory in heaven!  My heart is overflowing with abundant love for all of my children.  Each one being a unique spirit who has added something to my life regardless of whether they live or grew wings!

So this Mother's Day, please go out of your way to recognize an Angel Mama or a Mama who you know is on her Journey to Motherhood.  We are all Mothers.  Just at different stages in the Journey!

Some good ideas are to share a message of Hope with the Story of Hannah and a flower.  Or a message of Faith with the Story of Sarah.  Remember, when we have Faith in God, it means we have Faith in His Timing!  Remember too that we are a society of women who are here to uplift one another!  Motherhood is a beautiful thing, in all of its stages!  Be Blessed, my sweet Mamas, and never give up!

Mama with little Esther
Lastly, bear in mind that God has a plan for you!  God has a plan of JOY for you!  Focus on the joys along the journey!  God will lead you on this journey!  If faced with Infertility, God will open doors that will lead to motherhood!  Motherhood is achieved in many different ways!  If you struggle with Secondary Infertility/ Repeated Miscarriages, remember that God has NOT forgotten you!  Again He will open doors for you.  Remember to include Him on this journey!  And trust His timing!  You will find answers!  Again, God is a God of JOY!  Keep the Commandments and watch Him work!  Bear in mind, His ways are not always Our ways!  Mothers of Adopted Littles, the Lord has indeed trusted great spirits to your care!  Take courage and cherish these precious little ones, because you are following after the pattern of God.  We are adopted sons and daughters of a kind Heavenly Father.  What a beautiful thing that you have followed His footsteps and chosen to answer the Call and have adopted sons and daughters of your own!

*disclaimer, no matter how many biological children the Lord shall choose to bless us with. my husband and I still plan to adopt at least one special child to whom we shall be called to be parents.  If you hear the call, answer it!

Happy Mother's Day, to you all!  Be encouraged!  Have Joy!

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Introducing Baby #5

Andrew Paul

February 1st, 2017
4:04 PM
7 lbs 15 oz    -   20 in


#OperationAndy was the title of our journey to make sure Daddy made it home in time for the birth of his son.   God worked many miracles, thanks to the numerous prayers of our family and friends, and Daddy made it home with almost a week to spare.

 Week 39

The last week of pregnancy was spent in the usual fashion.  My husband was finally home and could take charge of the four other littles running around out house so I could get a good night's sleep. He was still on Korea time, so he spent his first few days sleeping during the day and awake most of the night.  This worked out well.   During the day, I let the well known "nesting stage" kick into gear.  I was determined to have a clean home before this baby arrived.  After all, we were having a scheduled Induction, so the date was not going to be a surprise.  Plenty of time to prepare.

Baby Day

Baby Day was finally here!  I called the Charge Nurse at 2am for instructions as to what time to report to the hospital by.  We were told to call back at 5am.  So I went back to bed.  Hubby woke me up at about 5:30am to call the Nurse back.  We were given a time - 8am.   I was still exhausted.   A couple of our children decided sleeping was for sissies that night so I was all worn out.  Hubby told me to go back to sleep for another hour.  We called the sister who was going to watch our children - early morning shift - and I went back to sleep.  By 6:45am we were out the door to meet up with my Doula, Amy - Beautifully Made Doula Services.   We met up at 7:15am and were headed up to Madigan Army Medical Center to have a baby!

We arrived at Labor & Delivery and were introduced to our Birthing Team and the Delivery Room.  The nurses in attendance from start to finish were Michelle and Lucy.  From the start, they were very kind and knowledgeable.  We planned for baby's first moments and I was pleasantly surprised by the changes that this hospital had made since my last delivery there (7 years before).   I had a great feeling about everything.  I explained I was super chicken when it came to IV placements.   The nurses called the Anesthesiologist to come do it.  He numbed the area, and stuck me - the first time.  It busted the vein.  So he had to numb another area, and tried again.  This time it took.  It was painful nonetheless.  And so labs were drawn, IV was started as well as the clyndamyacin (antibiotics treatments for Group B Strep).  And we waited.  Meanwhile I had a few contractions here and there. 

Good morning, Doctor!  Dr Jason Pates arrived about 9:30am to check in and make sure everything was ready to go!  He did a check to see where we were starting.  I was 50% effaced and 2 cm.  Good start.  He tried to break my water at that point - wasn't successful.  So we waited.  At about 10:30am, Pitocin was started.  Everything was easy going until about 1:30pm.  Hubby, Amy and I watched the movie:  Best Two Years!  Had several really good laughs.  Labor was going well.  at about 1:30pm, Nurse Lucy checked me again and I was a loose 3 cm and still about 50% effaced.  They upped the Pitocin.  We switched the movie to Hunchback of Notre Dame.  That movie, struck up some really good conversations between the nurses and I about good memories regarding a trip to France 14 years ago.  (sheesh has it really been that long ago?)  At this point I was laboring a lot more seriously (thanks, Pitocin) and was trying to talk through the contractions, I guess that was my coping method to get through the pain of those ones.  Worked for a while.  Dr Pates came back in at roughly 2:30pm to check me again and break my water.  This time I was still at 3cm but 80% effaced - was making some progress.  Water was successfully broken.  He told the nurses that he knew my history from this point on, so he let them know he was going to be just around the corner because he knew it was going to be soon.  Labor got super intense.  I was no longer talking through contractions.  I was trying to breathe through them.  Then came the tears.  The pain was still manageable but intense.  At about 3:55pm or so the nurses said it was time to call Doctor back in.  As promised, he was there pretty much instantly.  Checked a last time, and sure enough we were ready to go.  Nobody exactly had to tell me that.  The pressure of baby's head was enough.  By roughly 4pm or so I was pushing!  The pain was unbearable.  There was no breathing through it, or simply crying through it.  Screaming through it so didn't ease the pain, but it sorta helped me mentally get through it.  Thank goodness, little one knew what he was doing, because it didn't take too long, before his little self slid into this world of ours!  Our baby was declared born at 4:04pm. 

The First Couple Hours

Andy was a perfect baby!  He had a very long umbilical cord, and was easily placed "skin-to-skin" on my chest right after his birth.  I was still throbbing with pain, but so much in love!   I couldn't believe I was crazy enough to go through all that pain again - but so in love with the beautiful perfect little being that we helped create and bring into the world.  Next thing I knew, Andy was latched like a pro and nursing great! 

The placenta was delivered and we were well on our way to "recovery."  Baby was perfect!  Mama was in 7th Heaven!  We had the perfect Birthing Team imaginable.  I am grateful for each individual involved.  Doctor Pates has my utmost respect for his discretion and thoroughness.  Amy (doula) was outstanding.  Perfect help and photographer.  I could not have done it without her help and encouragement.  Joshua, my sweet husband - I really was worried I was going to accidentally break his hand this time.  Outstanding labor support.  Between him and Amy I was constantly reminded of the strength I had.  The nurses were amazing!  Very pleased with the care and support they offered, not to mention all the laughs.

We had guesses going around the room regarding his weight and birth time.  I was closest on all counts.  Andy was born around 4pm, he weighed 7lb 15oz (my guess was 7lb 12oz) and he was 20in long ( my guess was 20in too).  Apparently I can guesstimate my baby's size better than I thought.  The crowning glory of the day was hearing the Hospital play "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" as we were being transferred to the Mother-Baby Unit.   It meant, we had successfully introduced a new baby into our crazy world - bringing a bit of heaven's peace into our lives.