"Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind." Matthew 22: 37
I asked her if she understood what that verse meant to her. She said she had no idea. There were a few confusing words to her: shalt, thou and thy. I should have expected that, those are Old English words. I explained that the Primary Commandment that God has given is that we love Him with all our hearts, souls and minds! That everything we do, think, and say be based in our deep love for Him. It was during this wonderful, peaceful teaching moment that I realized the true beauty and importance of my role as her Mother.
It is not by chance that the Book of Mormon opens with the Prophet Nephi declaring the nature of his upbringing:
"I, Nephi, having been born of goodly parents, therefore I was taught somewhat in all the learning of my father..." 1 Nephi 1: 1
As parents, our primary responsibility is the spiritual formation of the children entrusted to our care. We are commanded to teach our children by word and example to seek out the Lord in all things. That our children may learn of His commandments, His promises, and Our covenants. There is a quote going around and sadly I do not know who initially said it, but regardless its message is overwhelming: "If we don't teach our children to follow Christ, the world will teach them not to."
There is a terrible idea going around that was told to my face some time ago, that children's education primarily comes from the School System. Apparently the reasoning is that since they have the teaching degree they are the ONLY ones who hold the right to teach your children. Do not fall for that lie! If you don't believe me, take it to the Lord in prayer. He will show you the way that you need to go! This is not me necessarily promoting Homeschooling, although I am far from against it. We seriously considered homeschooling my son who has High Functioning Autism just recently. His teachers worked out the situation in a way that was nothing short of miraculous, so he has remained in school.
Just a reminder that you have been blessed with the children that you have for a reason. You are in charge of their spiritual and physical welfare. We have been blessed with countless aids NOT replacements. You know your child best! Even his physician has to ask you what his symptoms and behaviors look like in order to adequately treat him for any potential ailments. C.S. Lewis puts it perfectly: "Children are not a distraction from more important work, they are the most important work."
His words are reiterated and strengthened by those of the Prophet Harold B Lee: "The most important work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own Home." I encourage you to ponder those words and take them seriously.
Just remember that usually the one doing the teaching is the one who is doing the most learning and growing. To teach you must already be doing. So seek the Lord first in all you do. Show by example that you truly love the Lord your God with all your heart, your soul, and your mind! And like with everything else, your children will want to be like you and follow in the way they should go!
The days are long, the years are short, and words of the Lord are forever!